![]() 08/04/2014 at 16:12 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
What's oppo's stance on speeding? Personally in a populated zone it really bothers me and I stick close to the limit but on motorways I'll cruise at about 10mph over and a little more sometimes when overtaking.
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It depends. Most Audi driving pricks on the Autobahn don't speed, they harass, and that sucks. Reminds me of the case where the Mercedes test driver harassed a woman with her daughter in the car so violently that she crashed and died.
If people leave enough space between cars, speed in "Save" (openly visible, good conditions, dry weather) environments, I have no problem with it. Just leave me my space and we're fine.
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Common sense. I slow down in the rain or in the dark on public roads. I know rain alone isn't going to make me lose control magically but still, you never know when someone else might hydroplane on bald tires or when you might need to dodge a deep puddle or road imperfection you can't see too well because of the rain. But on a bright day? On dry, open roads? And no one else is nearby? My tires shudder in fear because they know what happens next.
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I don't make it a point to speed just because, but there are some roads in my area with absurdly low limits, like a brand new, recently paved, dual carriageway where you can't go over 40. 40 kph.
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10-15% over
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On interstates, 5-10 over is fine by me. On interstates in Texas, it would seem traffic flows at 15+ over, so that's what I do when I'm down there. On country two-laners, I never go more than 5 over, because small town sheriffs have nothing better to do than sit and wait for any out-of-towner, particularly driving an imported luxury car from the "big city" to speed by so they can write them a ticket.
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Yeah I would never tailgate or cut anyone up (that would look ridiculous in a tiny Fiat Panda anyway) but when the fast lane is nice and open 10 over is pretty reasonable and common practice around here.
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I am against speeding on public roadways for the following reasons:
The road was not designed for high speed driving
The road was not maintained for high speed driving
Its unsafe for other drivers
Its unsafe for pedestrians
Its unsafe for cyclists
Its unsafe for you
Just take it to the track where medical staff & fire fighters are on call, and the track is designed and maintained for high speed driving
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Follow the speed of the road otherwise don't do it.
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Many if not most speed limits are set artificially low, so "speeding" is actually a correction for this.
If 75 is a reasonable and prudent speed, then:
People will go 75 if the speed limit is 45
People will go 75 if the speed limit is 55
People will go 75 if the speed limit is 65
People will go 75 if the speed limit is 75
People will go 75 if the speed limit is 85
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I just wish people made sense when doing it.
Highway speed limit = 65, passing people going 50 all day long, get on the back roads / neighborhoods, speed limit is 35, same idiots flying past me at 55...
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It's one thing to be doing 10 over on the freeway with the flow of traffic, or even letting a little loose in good conditions on an uncrowded road with great visibility.
It's another thing to be an inconsiderate inattentive jackass flying through a residential neighborhood while texting.
So I think I agree with you.
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Agreed, 10 over on the motorway here is pretty standard to the point they considered increasing the limit by that much. In the end they didn't because it'd encourage people to go 10 over that limit... But any smaller roads it's just dumb.
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Speeding in a 30 or 40 zone (30 or 40 km pr hour that is) is something YOU NEVER EVER DO, and IF you do, be prepared to have a go at me. Speeding in a 50 zone.. pretty much "OK" if it's only 55.. speeding in a 100 zone though.. well, I'll follow the traffic, so I'll probably do 120-130.
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I try to stick to the flow of traffic, which is usually 5-10 over. If it's somewhere I've never been before or populated, I'll stick close to the speed limit. On base I drive a couple under the speed limit and actively use my cruise control to keep it there, because there's MPs EVERYWHERE.
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I'm a civil engineer. So I know how roads are designed. They are designed with a safe speed in mind. Often times, this safe speed is 10, 15, or 20 mph higher than the posted speed.
If it's just me, I will drive the safe speed of the road.
If there's traffic around, I'm somewhere 10 mph over the posted limit.
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Back when I was in driving school, my instructor told me that 5kph over in the city was normal and 10kph over was okay when driving in the night.
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Agreed on common sense. A good driver knows that an empty motorway or back road with good visibility can take a little extra speed. On a busy road with cyclists and pedestrians and junctions onto the road, not so much...
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In colorado after dark people go at least 20 over on the highway. In that case its better to go with the flow of traffic, but the flow of traffic shouldnt be moving at that pace.
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We have a lot of cameras here except on certain stretches of motorway so you're restricted anyway. The rules allow certain percentages over the limit though and on the motorways ten over is generally accepted by the police provided conditions are good and there's no asshat driving.
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I drive in Massachusetts. If you aren't speeding, you're going to get run off the road.
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40kph?! Our dual carriageways are generally 50mph minimum in a built up area and 70mph pretty much everywhere else.
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Anyone here seen this video? It's worth the 15 min.
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The flow of traffic is probably a better way to gauge your speed than an arbitrary speed limit anyways. There's no way you'll be safer doing 10 under in a lane where everyone is doing 10 over, than just keeping to the pace.
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To me it depends on the situation. If you are in a residential area, then no. That's reckless. If you are in BFE Tennessee, like this and the surrounding roads: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Old… have at it.
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Haha it seems to be a bit more chilled here. I think that's mostly because a lot of the cars on the road are hilariously slow (my girlfriends car has 55hp for example). As long as you don't hog the fast lane you're good.
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I'm pretty militant about sticking to the speed limit in populated areas. Sure, if it's a multi-lane road, I won't pull any dick moves to stop people from passing me, but I'm not going to speed up just because somebody's hanging off my rear bumper.
On highways, I'm a bit more relaxed about it. I'll just go with the prevailing traffic flow (which, around here, is usually 5-10 mph over). I'd much rather leave a little more time for a journey, than speed because I'm in a rush. It's much better for my blood pressure that way.
I'll have to admit, now that I own a more powerful car, the temptation is there, but I've resisted so far. Having the extra oomph for passing maneuvers is nice, though.
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What I never understood about people in Colorado was on I-25 they never changed their speed. They would go 70 in a 55 and then continue going 70 when it changed to 65 and then 75 mph zones. Are people that oblivious to changing speed limits?
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Around here in Frankfurt, the traffic is so bad nobody speeds. We all sit in stau.
Besides, nearly all the speed cameras between Bad Homburg and Darmstadt here are set to ticket at just +3kph...
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It is fun.
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Some people move at some speed at night here but it's not the general rule. Slow lane speed is pretty much forced by lorries (limited to 63 i think) then the fast lane is just a case of let past anyone faster then keep whatever speed you want.
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Yeah that sounds about right. Maybe a little more on empty motorways provided conditions are good and such.
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Sounds fair.
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On neighborhood roads? No speeding. Of course, that's not what we're talking about here.
Here in the Great State of Texas, our highway speed limits are extremely liberal [enter political joke here], so there's not much need to speed. We still do, however. Most people, in a 65 zone, will go between 65 and 70. That's safe. When the speed limit cranks up to 75, most will do 75-80. That's safe because we're all doing it. Going faster than that, on a clear road, with no one around, would be okay up to about 85. Past that, however, is dangerous.
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40 kph, I wish I was kidding, I really do, but I'm not. The reasoning for the low limits is that small semi temporary communities might form in specific spots around the highway, so it's not really a highway, but a city avenue. There are stretches in this same road where you can go quicker though, at the blistering rate of 60 kph. It's mind numbing, and you can't go any faster because there's a deep trench between the two carriageways where the cops duck to avoid being seen.
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On the interstate, roughly about 10% over is what I run, it varies a bit - certain sections of I-95 have an average speed of about 85-90, and I have no problem slotting in the pack. City streets, within 5-15 over (the 15 is on a section of road that's a 35 and has no business being a 35).
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Most really big cities are known for Stau, especially during Berufsverkehr. I heard Stuttgart and Frankfurt are awful.
I'm from Nürnberg, and if there isn't any major construction done on the ring roads things work out just fine. And especially at night the speed limit rises to 60kp/h (for Taxis: 80).
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Excessive speeding (more than 10 MPH over the posted limit) is like unprotected sex with somebody that isn't your spouse. It's dangerous and shouldn't be done. But most people lose self control and break the rules sometimes. And when you do risk danger you might be OK as you're not always going to get a ticket or crash. But it definitely increases the chances of getting in trouble or dying...
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Pretty much my feelings exactly. I see 17 year old kids in town at night in knackered stanced 1 litre hatchbacks pulling 50 in a 30 and get pretty annoyed.
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For the most part (except on highways where I usually set my cruise control to about 5mph over) I just go with whatever feels safe.
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I dont know
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That's pretty much how I feel. Around town speeding is dumb since there's so many factors out of your control (pedestrians cyclists and people merging onto the road) but motorways are fine a bit over the limit.
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Speed limits almost everywhere in the US need to be raised. I'm not driving 50mph on a 5 lane highway with zero traffic, 65 would be perfectly safe.
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haha yeah honestly if you aren't doing at least 75 on a 65mph highway, you aren't going to keep up with traffic. All other roads seem to be 40. It's bad, but it's how it is, and I don't do any city driving. Of course, like others have said, you use common sense. I slow down in the rain, snow, and in neighborhoods. Anyone going faster than you is an asshole, and anyone going slower than you is an idiot.
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Agreed. My car is happy 10mph over the limit with still a small amount of passing potential. Much more than that it just gets uncomfortable and drinking diesel for no reason.
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The people at speed in town annoy me no end. At least take your car onto the motorway if you want to get some speed up, preferably take it to the track if you want to really enjoy the car. There's too much at risk in residential areas and such.
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Go however fast you feel is safe for the other motorists.
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Pretty much the same here, but I'm a bit over the top when it comes to speeding in the city/town, I ended up in a fight on friday because some jackass decided it'd be a great idea to pass me in a 30 zone... I flipped him off, he hit the brakes hard, I almost hit his car... He jumped out of his car and threatened to beat me up..
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If only people had enough common sense to do this...
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What a complete asshole. I never really see that unless it's a ricer pretending his car is a racecar when it's really a 1.2 corsa with less power than my car. Basically egotistical dick measuring.
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I tend to hit very close to the limit in populated areas. 5ish over on most traffic-ed highways. 9-10 when nothing around.
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65 seems low for highway anyway. Ours are 70 and in good condition 80 is pretty much the accepted speed. I just wish all motorists had common sense...
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I love Texas. When I drove on whichever interstate runs between Dallas & Houston, we were cruising between 85-90 the whole time, and that was with the flow of traffic. Plenty of people passed us going faster, and three of them straight up passed us on the shoulder.
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5 lanes at 50mph?! Any two lane or wider road that doesn't go through a town is 70mph here. One lane is 60mph.
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That's not a bad analogy. It doesn't always turn out bad but it's hardly a risk worth taking. Although I've only ever slept with one girl and I'm still with her so the risks of unsafe sex aren't something I've experienced haha.
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My stance is probably not popular, but here it goes:
I think speed limits should be views as a suggestion for responsible and well educated drivers. Kind of like when you see those signs warning you of a curve coming up with a posted speed: it's a recommendation of the maximum speed you should be doing.
There's too much variation in the conditions of a road for me to accept that the speed limit is definite or that there's some percentage above the speed limit that's safe. I think it should be at the drivers discretion, but unfortunately most drivers aren't very well educated (in driving or otherwise, no offense meant by this so don't read it the wrong way) so I'm not sure I trust them to make a judgement call.
Me personally? I typically stay around the speed limit, but I don't pay super close attention to it. Where I live the roads are generally in good condition, the weather outside of winter is rarely bad, and roads are straight and flat. In town the limit may be 45 and I might be doing as high as 60 if I'm the only car on the road, but if there's other traffic around I might not exceed 50.
What I'm trying to say is a safe speed isn't a black and white issue, there are too many factors at play to say that speeding is safe or isn't, but it's also not always safe to do the speed limit.
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Long drives at night on the interstate? Yes I'll speed as it is a decently maintained road an is mostly a straight line and doing hours of 65 mph gets really annoying.
The town I live in has 35 mph limits most everywhere and I don't speed on those. There are too many drunk kids around and you don't know when they will pop out in front of you.
The mountain roads are technically highways with out speed limit signs and they get defaulted to 55 mph but in most areas on those roads it is hard to maintain that speed and dangerous for most cars to attempt it. But it also does mean that getting in trouble in the mountains is much harder.
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The speed of traffic does not equal the speed limit. And the former usually makes a whole lot more sense than the latter.
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That's IH-45. Yes, traffic moves at a brisk pace on that road.
Passing on the shoulder? They must've been from Dallas.
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But what road are we talking about?
A freshly paved flat and straight highway with a limit of 60? Surely it's safe to go a little faster.
A nice flat country road in the middle of a clear day with no traffic for miles? Surely sticking to the 35 mph speed limit is excessive.
Also, what defines high speed? A little over isn't crazy, but double the speed limit might be depending on the scenario.
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That sucks. One thing about the UK is that apart from roadworks (my mam and grandad both got caught after they kept the limit 10mph below normal AFTER the roadworks zone) the limits are actually pretty fair.
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In the rain you never really know when you might hit a surprisingly deep puddle. I was doing the speed limit one day on a freshly paved road while it was raining and touched what looked like just a little water, but it almost yanked the wheel out of my hands.
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"I think speed limits should be views as a suggestion for responsible and well educated drivers. "
While I agree in principal outside of our haven that is oppo, many drivers aren't responsible or well educated. Limits aren't an exact science but I'm glad they're there to make weaker drivers less of a hazard. Empty roads with no major hazards (pedestrians cyclists or merging vehicles) are fair game for a bit over the limit though.
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I know, and unfortunately I should have put a disclaimer saying 'in a perfect world'.
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Our country roads are similar in that respect. They're 60mph but most cars struggle to maintain that so the average ends up somewhere around 45mph.
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residential - like not a side street with houses - 5 over
Highway 10 over
back road - usually set the cruise at 5mph over, and try not to hit the brakes in the turns.
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It's funny because I started my comment as a joke but then realized how appropriate the analogy is, haha. Neither act will definitely get you in trouble or hurt you or someone else. But both can definitely result in trouble, costs, or even death!
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In a perfect world there'd be no limits and we'd all be able to properly decide what is and isn't safe. I wish that could be the case.
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I suspect your opinion on never exceeding the limit will change when you own and regularly drive a car
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I can't drive 55.
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I think you would still want posted signs, but just as suggestions.
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Exactly. I love the scene in Rush where they ask why Niki Lauda isn't speeding when he's a racing driver. He basically says it's a calculated risk and he has something to gain racing but not speeding on a public road.
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Stuttgart is terrible, too, but it has nothing on Frankfurt. It is so bad because there really aren't enough large roads to funnel people in and out from the city. Why people put themselves through 1-2 hours of Stau every day explodes my brain.
Me - I'm on the train every day from Sachsenhausen. I don't drive into the city at all. Ever. And I get home in 25 minutes with a 10 minute walk past the best Metzgerei in the town!
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I constantly do 5-10 over the limit, so yeah speeding is fine with me.
That being said, I never do in neighborhoods. Too much risk.
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Yep. A black Honda Accord coupe:
A white LX570:
and a black ML-class:
It was a unique enough experience that I still remember all 3 cars a year later.
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That's fair. Most larger roads are safe at 10 over. Neighborhoods have too many factors out of your control.
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90 kmh or 56 mph. There's a school of thought which suggests that you can legally let your truck coast downhill at 60 mph where allowed because the speed limiter must prevent the truck being powered to more than 90 kmh but doesn't have to prevent gravity bringing you over that.
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Im talking about residential and city streets, And your right a little over isnt horrible, just not 20mph over, your reaction times are shortened at that speed. also in colorado there are potholes galore and tons of gravel on the road. so its unsafe really
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Like the 60mph roads near me that have a suggested limit of 30mph for the tighter turns. Although I'm not sure who would attempt higher speeds there, I can feel my tyres trying to break grip at the suggested limit sometimes.
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Im not saying all speeding is bad, just traveling at a speed that is unsafe for the road and or area just to go fast
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Thought it was a little higher than that. No wonder trips take so much longer with my girlfriend driving since she sits behind lorries sometimes and must only be cruising at 56.
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Not too many 100 kmh zones in Norway though! I was there last year and as I recall 80 was the norm. On the other hand they seem to always warn where cameras are found so a person inclined to go faster has the chance to do so.
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You think it's faster because your speedometer over reads by a few per cent. They're not allowed to read slow so to allow for inaccuracy they're designed to read fast. Speed limiters though are more accurate.
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I rarely drive fast. More often than not I just try not to use my brakes more than I have to. On rural roads you can be doing 45 in a 35 and feel like you're flying. Even in the most rural area - I don't speed between 8 and 10am, 3 and 7pm, or on Sundays.
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Yeah I'm aware of the speed differences. I've actually worked them out on every car I drive or ride in by comparing it with the accurate sat nav reading. Mine is 3mph out and my gfs is 5mph out. I think the reason I thought 63 was a lot of minibuses my grandad drove when his job was to deliver them were limited to 63mph for whatever reason.
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That is of course sensible
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You're nearly right. Buses have 100 kmh (62 mph) limiters seemingly because the EU decided that if bus passengers thought their bus was no faster than a truck they wouldn't bother letting the bus take the strain.
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I live close to Minneapolis so speed limits are lower for some reason.
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Ah only 1mph off haha, not bad for my shitty memory.
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So you're slow enough to spot rogue packers fans?
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The one spot I cannot abide going the speed limit is in your namesake city, where I-25 drops down to 55 mph. I drive between Colorado Springs and Ft. Collins twice a week, at low traffic times when possible and I find it unbearable to drive that slow when there are 4 empty lanes.
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Some of the newly paved roads in your area (116 between Vacaria and Caxias do Sul, I think it was) scared me because they got really slippery when it rained and I saw a few bad wrecks (only after a rain) in only a few days down there.
When they were dry though, it was great fun. It reminded me of the Blue Ridge Parkway, which is a great driving road in the Appalachian mountains.
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Yeah, wrecks aren't uncommon at all... I don't take the 116 on a regular basis, but I believe it is pretty busy with trucks coming to and from Vacaria, but not as busy as the 385, which cuts diagonally from the northern highlands to the eastern basin. When it rains, that road becomes pure chaos, and you just don't go through it without seeing at least one tipped truck or a head on collision. :/
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especially when traffic, when moving, is doing at least 75
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I remember that scene. It was classic German practicality, haha
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I have found that traffic, when moving, generally flows between 70-75 on the interstates and that includes 55 and 65 mph zones. The biggest issue isn't necessarily the typical 5-10 over speeders,the excessive 80+ mph ones are the real danger, that are dangerous, its the folks that feel its necessary for them to drive 10+mph under the posted speed limit and impede the flow of traffic. They are the real dangers because they create rolling road blocks
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There are so many good reasons to raise speed limits across the board on most US highways... It's ridiculous to not raise them.
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I completely disregard speed limits. That said, I don't speed often.
I drive at whichever speed feels safe given the conditions. For example, in downtown Flagstaff, cars share lanes with bikes. The lanes are narrow, there's pedestrians, parallel parked cars, blind intersections, and snow and ice in the winter. Today, driving through downtown, I was putting along comfortably at 15 mph (speed limit is 25 mph). I couldn't even imagine doing 25 mph through downtown.
School zones I go incredibly slow. I've had kids run out across crosswalks without looking. Not going to be the one on the 6 o'clock news. Same goes for neighborhoods. Kids ride bikes, play sports in the streets, etc. I usually keep it around 20 mph in neighborhoods (speed limits around here are 25-35 mph).
Freeway, again depends on traffic and conditions. I usually keep it around 60-65 when hopping down an exit or two to get across town. I sit with the trucks and wait for my exit. Sure, the rest of traffic is moving along at 80 — but over a 4 mile stretch, I'm not going to notice a time difference, but I will notice a hit to my fuel economy. If I'm driving long distance, and I'm on a large open stretch, I'm a bit more liberal about the speed limit (usually have my cruise set 80-85 mph). Freeway limits around here are 65 mph in populated areas, and 75 mph in rural areas — so around town I'm at or under the limit, and long distance I'm 5-10 over (which seems reasonable, and puts me at or just above the average flow of traffic).
On rural 2 lanes, the speed limit is usually 55 or 65 mph, I usually just set my cruise at 60 mph. Local main arteries, I just keep with the flow of traffic. Route 66 is usually pretty congested, so the 45 mph speed limit is an idealistic dream. Traffic is usually anywhere from 15-35 mph.
So, all-in-all, my speed is usually within 5 mph of the limit (and, usually, below the limit). The only exception being open stretches of freeway, when I'm driving long distance and don't care much about fuel economy.
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Go with the flow.